Sunday, 1 April 2012

Quick Update

Just a quick update.

I think my SPOT should be working now and shoud be accesable from the Wheres Mark Tab above or at this address Wheres Mark  It should update the next time I send a position update which I will do later.

The SPOT device is a small device that lets you sned short messages that include you GPS position via the satellite network so update scna be snet even when there is no access to a mobile network.

The SPOT can send two different types of messages either a limited number of predefined messages, these can be longer and are included in the price of the basic package, so if you think you are seeing the same messages repeated again and again you probably are.

The second type are type and send massages, these are limited to 41 characters but can be customised at time of sending, I will be using there periodically.

IF you want to be included in the email distribution list for these let me know and I will add you on when I get a proper internet connection.


  1. add me to it aswell please Mark(sorry I didn't get to see you before you left)

  2. add cjm......
    thanks Mark, seems like a pretty cool device
